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Keep it simple, stupid

Between April and June 2020, there were 176,115 new companies registered in the UK. For these start-ups one of their biggest challenges will be to develop a marketing strategy that requires the minimum of resources but delivers the maximum number of sales.

Keep it simple, stupid, or what is more commonly known as the KISS principle, is a great way to remember that marketing and lead generation doesn’t need to be complex to achieve results.

What is the KISS principle?

For many start-up businesses budgets are tight. The option to spend on big advertising campaigns, corporate videos and social media influencers that will generate the sales leads your business needs just isn’t going to be possible.

Originally developed by the military, KISS aims to streamline processes so that they improve effectiveness and efficiency. In marketing terms this means developing a well planned marketing strategy that is easy to follow and deliver for you and your team.

Getting started

So you’ve started your business; you’ve got a great name; and you are just one step away from being the next Alan Sugar or Steve Jobs so now you need to start generating sales leads. The next step is to draw up a marketing strategy but don’t forget – keep it simple, stupid.


  • Who exactly is the right customer for your business – your niche

  • Most sales journeys start online - use your digital presence to provide information your prospects want

  • You may have lots of things you want to sell eventually but start with a core initially

  • Set goals and objectives you will be able to meet

  • Make sure your message is clear from the start to make you memorable

KISS in practice

Budgets are likely to be very small at the launch of any business so marketing activity needs to be targeted at people you know will buy your products and services so that resources aren’t wasted.

Regardless of where you have come from this means that you are going to have to roll up your sleeves and think or innovative and creative ways to generate sales leads so we’ve added a few hints and tips that we hope will help you keep your marketing simple and to the point.

  1. Don’t run before you can walk – start with just one or two marketing campaigns and build from there. This will allow you to measure results and adjust the message if needs be.

  2. Clarity – don’t overcomplicate things. Focus on the benefits of your product or service and leave the detail until later

  3. Target your efforts – Don’t waste your resources. Find out as much about your target audiences and target them specifically

  4. Review and adjust – track performance of your campaigns. See what is having success and what isn’t and don’t be afraid to change things.

If you are still not sure how to start your marketing planning and would like to have a no obligation chat with one of our consultants complete the contact us form or call 01625 403199.


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